Thanksgiving is Over-How Did You Do?

Thanksgiving is Over-How Did You Do?
Guilt Free Thanksgiving recipes-real food and sugar free

Thanksgiving is over! How do you feel? Did you enjoy health? Did you eat well? Did you eat sugar? Is it possible to eat all the same foods you love and still eat healthy and sugar-free? My favorite work ever is the one-on-one tutoring work I do to help people with their health. And my favorite part of that work is planning ahead for the holidays with personalized recipes of all of my students’ favorite foods. We are only at the beginning of the food revolution, but just imagine a day when you are looking at a holiday feast loaded with real food right from the tree. Imagine your main dish, side dish and all desserts made in a way that is 100% good for you and without harmful toxins or disease causing sugar? Imagine all your people are on the same page. Imagine everyone is feeling good after they eat, and everyone is healthy and well. The elderly members of your family are giving thanks for their disease-free life. The children are not obese and no one has a cold.
This is how my Thanksgiving is for me. And it is a dream come true. It has taken me six years since I was eating cancer-causing holiday foods, too much sugar, genetically modified wheat, corn, soy and pre-packaged foods, disastrous Jell-O, and many foods that I know now are not fit for pigs to eat.
Are you happy with your holiday? Are your loved ones doing well and thriving? Do you want to change anything for the next holiday? Will you do it with baby steps? I did not do baby steps– once my eyes were open. I took 8 bags of trash out of my pantry and replaced with whole, real food. And I have never looked back, never felt deprived and have continuously created more and more amazing foods without toxins. I love, love, love how I eat.
The organic cranberry recipe is in my book Body Wisdom Natural Health in You, available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Audible, Simply Good in Salisbury, Inergy Market on Oak Island and Robinhood Integrative in Winston-Salem.
#guiltfreeeating, #thanksgivingwithoutsugar, #lovehowyoueat, #reversingdiesase. #reservingtype2diabetes, #reversingcancer