Eat a Mountain of Veggies-Daily!
Eating veggies and enough of them — can be a challenge. During our amazing trip to South Africa and Zimbabwe, we ate a mountain of veggies every day. And I lost six pounds and my husband lost seven. The veggies …
Eating veggies and enough of them — can be a challenge. During our amazing trip to South Africa and Zimbabwe, we ate a mountain of veggies every day. And I lost six pounds and my husband lost seven. The veggies …
Find What Lights Your Fire! Get Moving! I am very lucky that I found the sport that lights my fire and feeds my passion. It is soccer. I longed to play when I was raised overseas– it was just for …
Food as Medicine to Fight Cancer? One out of every four Americans will get cancer. That is either you or one of the top three people in your life. Cancer is not some mysterious disease, but it is a …
Why do people make so many excuses not to exercise? We all pretty much know that everyone needs to move to keep strong muscles, for good posture, for heart health, for mental health, for emotional health, to prevent disease, and …
How Healthy is your Community? I have spent the last 31 years of my career creating, copyrighting and trademarking my techniques for modifying habits on a one-on-one individual and customized basis. However, there is evidence that when it comes …