Reversing Type 2 Diabetes | Body Wisdom: Natural Health in You
Reversing Type 2 Diabetes | Body Wisdom: Natural Health in You Is your lifestyle toxin-free? Free of harmful chemicals? Beatrice Hair’s book Body Wisdom: Natural Health in You will help you to have a much healthier body. You will change what is in your kitchen, develop a healthier attitude toward food, and form new eating habits. You will even create personalized recipes for healthy, delicious meals.
This book is based on the assumption that our bodies absorb man-made toxin, toxins that profit the food industry at the expense of our health. Genetics load the gun, but a faulty lifestyle triggers illnesses.
Healthy body equilibrium is the ultimate goal. It’s important to keep your digestive track healthy. This book tells you what foods and ingredients you may need to toss out of your kitchen. Many illnesses thrive on sugar and toxins.
If you are interested in reversing type 2 diabetes buy her new book Body Wisdom Natural Health in You is available on,, iTunes, Barnes & Noble, Simply Good Natural Foods, and the Salisbury Tutoring Academy. Kindle books are also available on