Is there a better way?

Is there a better way?
Brownies made without sugar and coconut cool whip

Brownies made without sugar and coconut cool whip. This dessert is a loaded with healthy-plant based proteins, no dairy, and an amazing ferment-coconut yogurt. Is there a better way of life? A life that involves everyone in your world being healthy and living well until the last breath? Do other cultures have this? Do people in our culture live well and die healthy-just of old age? Do we study these people? Are we learning from them? Do we care? Why should we care?
Yesterday my husband and I celebrated a special date night. At the event, the entire room was 90% obese people. Many walked with a funny gate. People who were celebrating their 47th birthday looked 70. It is so easy to just walk to your car, sit at your desk, walk from the car into the house, eat a frozen meal and sit in front of the TV. It is really sad when this is what kids do too. They imitate their parents, go to school, walk around a little there, come home and then sit in front of electronics– for hours.
Our bodies are made to move, and nature provides medicine with herbs, essential oils and foods that heal. Over six years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer– after 15 years of dealing with fatigue and fibromyalgia. I was truly sick and tired of being sick and tired. The doctors gave me all kind of prescriptions, many that did not even make sense. I was able to grow a nationally recognized company during my fatigued years, just because I love life, love helping people and love my work. But, there was a price to pay for forging on without healthy energy. Once I got cancer, I had no great choices. Every choice involved suffering, pain, discomfort and misery. Now that I am in remission, I am totally motivated to never get cancer again and to help everyone who wants to, to stay disease free.

Coconut Yogurt is available at Simply Good in Salisbury and Inergy Market on Oak Island
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#cancerfree, #foodasmedicine, #naturalhealing, #avoidsugar, #behealthy, #OakIslandNorthCarolina #MyrtleBeachSouthCarolina, #WilmingtonNorthCarolina